Soil & Leaf Analysis


In a farm, the most important factor of production is the soil, which is essentially the source of nutrients for the crops.

Knowledge, and most importantly the recognition of the characteristics and particularities of each soil, is the key tool that will help in the overall management of the farm, with the ultimate goal of maximizing crop yields at the lowest possible cost.


Importance of soil analysis

Soil analysis is undoubtedly the first step that every producer must take before planting a crop.
The importance and importance of soil analysis is becoming more and more essential because of the intensification and automation of agriculture, but also because the types and forms of fertilizers are constantly increasing.

Soil analysis consists of four stages:

  • Collection of soil samples
  • Laboratory analysis
  • Interpretation of results
  • Soil management recommendations
  • It is necessary to mention the importance of proper sampling technique, as the accuracy of the results are inextricably linked to the sample (s) that characterize the farm.

Proper soil analysis could be one of the best investments for a producer


Leaf Diagnostics: It is the analysis of leaves (plant tissues) by a particular part of the plant depending on the type of each plant, with the ultimate aim of diagnosing the nutritional status of the plant (the crop).
That is to say, “x-ray” we would say of the plant in terms of nutrients and adequacy of these elements in the soil (soil analysis).

The ENVOLAB Soil and Leaf Diagnostic Laboratory, equipped with state-of-the-art scientific instruments for reliable results, aims to serve the needs of rural society. Soil, plant and water samples are analyzed and responsible rational fertilization advice is provided.
The ENVOLAB Laboratory of Soil and Leaf Diagnostics guarantees::

  • Reliability of analyzes.
  • Speed ​​in serving the producers.
  • Responsible personalized lubrication tips.
The ENVOLAMB Lab provides a wide range of soil analyzes and has dedicated staff to evaluate the results:

  • Complete soil analysis
  • Complete leaf analysis
  • Fertilizer analysis
  • Homogeneous fertilizer testing
  • Lubrication advice
The ENVOLAB soil analysis packages are tailored to the needs of the customer to provide the information needed to properly fertilize and improve any type of crop.
Soil analysis is affordable.
Special prices for our customers.

Irrigation water

The good performance of a crop depends on the harmonious combination of three key factors:

Soil – Plant – Irrigation Water

Irrigation water analysis includes the following:
*pH, *electric conductivity, *Β, *Ca, *Mg, *K, *Na, *Cl-, *ΝΟ3-, *SO4=, CO3=, HCO3-, SAR, hardness, total salts.

Πακέτα αναλύσεων

Complete Soil Analysis:
Mechanical composition
Calcium carbonate
Organic substance

Basic Soil Analysis:
Mechanical composition
Calcium carbonate
Organic substance

Additional Soil Analysis:
Total nitrogen
Ammoniacal nitrogen
Nitrogen nitrate
Degree of alkalization
Active calcium carbonate
Cation exchange capacity
Potassium interchangeable
Sodium exchangeable

Results Evaluation and Lubrication Tips.

The leaflet test we offer includes the following parameters:

– Total nitrogen
– Phosphorus
– Potassium
– Calcium
– Magnesium
– Iron
– Zinc
– Manganese
– Copper
– Boron
– Evaluation of results